+62-21-426 3805
More About Us
PT. Rekajasa Asyatama was established on the date of July 27th, 2004 with initial business concentration on supply & service for sole agency instrumentation tools (such as Recordable Digital Pressure Gauge from Crystal Engineering Corp.-USA (now Crystal Ametek), Special Gearless Temperature Gauge from NessTech Inc.-Japan and Lubricating Systems from Lubriquip Inc.-USA (now Graco) & Temperature and Pressure Calibrators for instrumentation tools (such as Recordable Digital Pressure Calibrator and Gauge Comparator from Crystal Engineering Corp.-USA (now Ametek Calibration) and Temperature Calibrator from Crystal TempCal. USA (now Ametek Jofra), thereafter also involved in maintenance service for Onstream Valves Preventive and Corrective Maintenance (supported by South Coast Products, Inc) and Lubricating Systems on some industrial facilities such as on Oil &Gas Companies, Petrochemical Companies, Cement Plants, Pulp &Paper Industries, etc. As more advance technology applied, Seiwa Electric has also approached PT. Rekajasa Asyatama to focus on also supplying and servicing projects for LCS, LED and FTL in the Energy Saving program, as well as increasing our activities in all markets segments, with special emphasis on this energy saving program. The value-added benefits that may be derived by our contractors' &end user clients which include the following: 1 Cost Comparison between existing and Seiwa LED and ROI 2. ILLUMINENCE distribution diagram &Comparison 3. After Sales Service and Support 4. Longer warranty life 60,000 hours or 5 years whichever come first 5. Sales reference and testimonial
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Office Address
Jl. Cempaka Putih Timur XIll No.3, RT.1/RW.7, Cemp. Putih Tim., Kec. Cemp. Putih, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10510
Office Address :
Cilegon Office PT. REKAJASA ASYATAMA Pondok Cilegon Indah, Blok A 17 No.28 CILEGON 42422 - BANTEN
Email : sales@rekajasa.co.id
Telp : +62 254 386060
Fax : +62 254 386060
Office Address :
Surabaya Office PT. REKAJASA ASYATAMA Royal Residence Blenheim C2/63 Wiyung SURABAYA - EAST JAVA
Email : sales@rekajasa.co.id
Office Address :
Email : sales@rekajasa.co.id
Telp : 081315283045
Office Address :
Balikpapan Office PT. REKAJASA ASYATAMA Perumahan Balikpapan Baru Blok W 5 No.12 Balikpapan - East Kalimantan
Email : nurtjahja@rekajasa.co.id
Telp : +62 542 874086
Fax : +62 542 874086